You’ve been looking forward to this trip for too long. You, a bunch of your best mates and memories that’ll last forever. Before you set out on your adventure, there are a few things to tick off your checklist to make sure that everything goes to plan and there are no rude interruptions. Here is our road trip checklist to help you make certain your car will be road trip ready and everything goes as smoothly as possible.
Step 1: Prepare for the trip
Oil Control: Make sure your oil is topped and relatively new.
Stay Cool: Check your coolant level and give it a top up or a complete renewal
Release the pressure: Make sure all your tyre pressures are up to standard. All petrol stations will be able to help you with this. Its also a good idea to go around 4psi over the recommendation for your car to manage the heavier car load.
Road-side help: Make sure you’re covered by on-call roadside assistance incase anything goes wrong.
Wake up to yourself: Make sure you get a good night’s sleep the night before the trip and know exactly where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.
Step 2: Stay safe on the road
Have a break: Regular breaks every couple of hours are absolutely necessary to make sure you maintain the highest level of attention and care possible. They also make the entire trip a lot more enjoyable for everyone. Find a nice rest area or a safe parking area and stretch, have a snack and take in the views. Remember, the holiday isn’t the destination, enjoy the entire journey.
Share the load: Plan out a schedule to share the driving load. Make sure the people who take turns driving hold a P1 license or higher and are actually comfortable with the drive.
Stay alert: Make sure that as the driver, your attention is holistically dedicated to the drive and not your phone or the radio.
Stick to these simple rules and you’ll find that not only will be far more safer on the road, but will actually enjoy the trip a lot more too. Stick to the speed limits, be aware of the road signs and make some memories to last a lifetime.